Whether you’re on-board with her progressive agenda or not, it’s hard to dismiss the meteoric rise and influence of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC), the beloved dem from Queens who others, particularly of the older, whiter, male variety, just love to hate.
AOC was only 28 when she joined a group session sponsored by the non-profit, Ladies Get Paid, and met Megan Hellerer, a "conscious career coach" who helped her transition from bartender to youngest congresswoman ever, an incredulous trajectory fueled by a desire to follow her authentic path.
New York Magazine interviewed Megan, a Chapin-to-Stanford grad who took a decidedly un -Stanford path and left a lucrative career at Google to help other women find their authentic paths instead. What’s unique about her approach is her emphasis on the process over the goal, a coaching-style focused on following your true north rather than someone else's prescribed 10-year plan.
Megan’s unconventional style of coaching include “Mind, Mood, Body Checks” as you work through your day and frequent references to check your “inner GPS” as you make choices. In describing her work with the Congresswoman she shares this: “AOC thought it would be selfish to stop working, to follow her curiosity. In reality, what is selfish is not taking responsibility for your own happiness. And that is a political act.”
Whether or not you self-identify as political, we are all a part of this great body politic, our inextricably linked village. While hiring a coach like Megan Hellerer may be out of reach, we can apply her inspiring best practices as we try to take care of ourselves and discover what will fulfill our truest selves.